Garden School Blog


Gardening Myths

1. Paint pruning cuts - Latex, shellac, petroleum and asphalt compounds are some of the materials used for wound dressing to seal off the cut surfaces to prevent rot and other diseases. New research finds that wound dressings of this sort do not benefit trees and in...

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Get More From Your Groceries

    Get More From Your Groceries - We often waste parts of the plant that are packed with flavor and nutrition. BANANA PEELS are packed with vitamin A, lutein, B vitamins, and antioxidants and have tons of soluble and insoluble fiber to slow digestion, boost...

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Deepest Africa

I was in deepest Africa, yes I was. Yes I was I was in deepest Africa. 1. Teaching elephants to dance! Don’t look askance for elephants love to sing and dance In their fancy hot pants! I was in deepest Africa teaching elephants to dance! 2. Watching a toucan can-can...

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Three Little Fishes

Three Little Fishes 1. Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool Swam three little fishes and a mamma fishy too Swim said the mamma fishy, swim if you can. And they swam and they swam right over the dam. Chorus: Boop boop diddem doddem waddem choo ! (repeat 3 times)...

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The Light of the Sun

(Chorus) Turn on the light, turn on the light, turn on the light , turn on the light The light of the sun, solar powered light of the sun. Isn't it obvious every day. It's shining above us all and it's here to stay. We know the sky is the limit. We know the power in...

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You’ve Gotta Get Out

(Chorus) You've gotta get out, look up and see the sky, Climb a tree, see how the birds fly, Get down, see what's upon the ground. Get out and meet your world! Reading book is wonderful. There's so much you can learn, About kings and stars and dinasaurs and why the...

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There’s Gonna Be a Rainbow

There’s Gonna Be A Rainbow There’s gonna be a rainbow shining in the sky. Gonna be a rainbow, we can catch it if we try. Gonna be a rainbow following the storm. Gonna be a rainbow with sun to keep us warm. Rain falls into our hands, Sun shines down on the land. With...

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When the Rain Comes Down

When the Rain Comes Down 1. When the rain comes down, it comes down on everyone (twice) (Chorus): No matter if you’re rich or poor, no matter if you’re great or small When the rain comes down, it comes down on us all 2. When the sun shines down, it shines down on...

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Peace Like a River

Peace like a River I’ve got peace like a river, peace like a river I’ve got peace like a river in my soul. I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river in my soul 2nd verse: I’ve got strength like a mountain 3rd verse: I’ve got...

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Six Plant Parts

Six Plant Parts Chorus: Roots, stems, leaves, flowers fruits and seeds, Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, That's roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Chorus after each verse: That's six parts,...

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Dirt Made My Lunch

Dirt Made My Lunch Chorus: Dirt made my lunch, dirt made my lunch. Thank you dirt, thanks a bunch, For my salad, my sandwich, my milk and my munch, Cause dirt, you made my lunch! Dirt is a word we often use when we talk about the earth beneath our shoes. It's a place...

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The Garden Song

The Garden Song Chorus: Inch by inch, row by row, gonna help this garden grow. Gonna mulch it deep below, gonna make it fertile ground. Inch by inch, row by row, please bless these seeds I sow, And warm them from below, till the rains come tumbling down. Pulling...

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Smokey the Bear

      Smokey the Bear With a rangers hat and shovel - in a pair of dungarees You will find him in the forest - always sniffing at the breeze. People stop and pay attention when he tells them to beware, Cause everybody knows that he’s the fire prevention bear!...

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My Roots Go Down

My Roots Go Down Chorus: My roots go down, down into the earth My roots go down, down into the earth My roots go down, down, down, down into the earth. 1. I am a pine on a mountainside ( 3 times) My roots go down 2. I am a willow swaying in the breeze ( 3 times) My...

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I’m a Sprout

         I Am a Sprout Wet ground, warm sun My life as a tree has just begun I’m so sure I have no doubt Cause my shell is cracked And I have a sprout   I’m growing up and growing out And growing up and growing out Yippee hurray, I have a sprout Yippee hurray I...

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I’m the Earth

                      I’m the Earth I’m the earth; I’m a great big round ball I’m the earth; I’m the only one of my kind! I’m the earth; I’m a great big hunk of rock. I’m beautiful all the time Striped zebra’s, long necked giraffes, hyena’s that love to laugh I’m...

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The Stars are Coming Out Like Popcorn

The stars are coming out like POP-corn. The stars are coming out of contro- o- o- ol. The stars are coming out like pop-corn With O oh heaven as a bo- o- owl. That Milky Way is looking so creamy. That Milky Way is looking so sweet. That Milky Way is looking so creamy....

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The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle Water travels in a cycle . . . yes it does. (echo - yes it does) Water travels in a cycle . . . yes it does. yes it does It goes up as evaporation Forms big clouds as condensation, And falls back down as precipitation . .yes it does . yes it...

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A Peaceful Thought

Find A Peaceful Thought It’s an old fashioned word and it’s been all around Across every ocean, every mountain or town Thinking this word is lots of fun to do Here is what some children say when they thought it through: Peace is a quiet countryside Jumping on the moon...

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Skeleton Jones

Skeleton Jones 1. Skeleton Jones rattling bones Clickety clack all the way back home You’ve got no skin to hold you in, You’ve got bones where your arms had been You look kind of funny but you sound real fine Clickety clackin keeping time Skeleton Jones rattling boneS...

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Someone’s Gonna Use It After You

Someone’s Gonna Use It after You 1. When you stand at the sink did you ever think About the water going down the drain? That it used to be in the deep blue sea And before that it was rain! Then it turned to snow for an Eskimo To use in a snowball fight! Then it...

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Green Shoes Walk

  The Green Shoes Walk 1. It’s a walk; it’s a certain kind of attitude! Giving mother earth some gratitude, For the lakes, the rivers, the trees, and the grass, We’ve got to care about them if we want them all to last! Pick it up, never throw it on the street,...

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Put on Your Green Shoes

Put on Your Green Shoes Gather round children and you will hear, The sound of a cricket callin in your ear. That's Mother Nature, she's cryin' out loud, "This old world, it needs some lovin' now," so (Chorus) Put on yyour green shoes, Put on your green shoes, Mother...

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We Love Trees

We Love Trees Chorus: Trees (kids echo) Trees (4 times) Trees Trees We Love Trees We love chestnut, linden, apple, olive, and the aspen tree Oak, elm, cedar, walnut and the hickory There’s the cherry, redwood, cottonwood And the dogwood tree And what’s the biggest...

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Rhythm Chants

An Apple Chant Apples in the attic, Apples in the hall, Apples in the summer, Apples in the fall. Apples make you healthy, Apples make you tall. I will eat some apples, I will eat them all! THE TRAIN is a chant that begins very very slowly and builds to very fast. Sit...

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Green Shoes Blues

GREEN SHOES BLUES Verse1: Let me tell you about my new pair of extra special magical green shoes. Don’t need gassing or recharging, And we make no pollution when we cruise. So I took a walk this morning In my green shoes to spread the news. Verse2: We were skipping...

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I’m a World Citizen

I’M A WORLD CITIZEN Chorus: I’m a world citizen. Step up and shake my hand. I’m not just from Wisconsin. I’m not just American. I’m a world citizen . . . Home the whole world round! You and I can break those borders down! Verse 1: From Timbuktu to Lima, Peru, From...

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We are the World

We Are The World There comes a time when we need a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can't go on pretending day by day That someone, somehow will soon make...

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The Singing River

The Singing River There’s a river that runs down through the canyon, That is high in the mountains of the West. Clear mountain water rushing down through the valley, It’s a river of Mother Nature’s best Chorus: And it sings, that singing river. And it sings to you and...

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Swing on a Star

Would You Like to Swing on a Star Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar And be better off than you are Or would you rather be a MULE. A mule is an animal with long funny ears He kicks up at anything he hears. His back is brawny and his brain...

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I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover

I'm looking over a foul leaf clover That I overlooked before. One is for sunshine, The other for rain, One for the roses that bloom in the Lane. No use explaining, The one remaining Is someone that I adore! I'm looking over a four leaf clover. That I overlooked...

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My Favorite Tongue Twisters

  Alice asks for axes. A big bug bit a bold bald bear. Bad black bran bread Big ben blue big blue bubbles Can you catch a can canner canning a can? Crisp, crust, crackles Ape cakes, grape cakes Cheap sheep soup A dozen dim ding-dongs How much dew would a dew drop...

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The Healing Power of Music

Eases Anxiety In Cancer Patients Reduces stress / Lowers anxiety as well as a massage Pain reducer Protects the aging brain Prevents heart transplant rejection in mice Improves stroke recovery Helps memory Helps during surgery Protects the ears sound processing...

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     Music is a moral law.  It gives soul to the universe, Wings to the mind, Flight to the imagination, A charm to sadness, Gaity and life to everything! It is the essence of order And lends to all that is good and Just and beautiful....

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Musical Instruments

Rainsticks - I discovered an easier way to make these. I cut large pieces of dried bamboo leaving one end open and the other closed. Sand the outside. Cut a piece of chicken wire a little less than the length of the bamboo stick and about 6 inches widw. Roll the...

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Examine worms with children. Worms are important to compost soil. Worms have 5 hearts, a brain with two tiny lobes and a long spinal chord. It is divided into segments, has no bones but moves using muscles and very tiny hairs that are on each segment. They breath...

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Bugs, Bites, and Bee Stings

Bed Bug Bites Bug Bites and Bee Stings: Raise your hand if you have ever seen an insect? Let children talk and say what they have seen. Introduce insects using models and posters. Insects have 6 legs and an exoskeleton (shell on the outside). Raise your hand if you...

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Potatoes Throughout history, they've been maligned as food fit only for animals and revered as "apples of life." These vegetables kept Incan civilizations thriving, helped fuel the Industrial Revolution, triggered mass population shifts, and are now one of the world's...

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Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

Hairy vine - No friend of mine! Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Nothing takes the fun out of being outdoors faster than an encounter with poison ivy. It regenerates readily, is everywhere, and people loathe it. All are perennials in the cashew family, and all cause a rash,...

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The Sweet Potato

The Sweet Potato The soft orange sweet potato is often mislabeled a "yam" in parts of North America. The sweet potato is botanically very distinct from a genuine yam. The genus Ipomoea that contains the sweet potato includes several garden flowers called morning...

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The Soil

The SOIL I don't know of a single kid that isn't crazy over digging in the dirt! Just put a shovel in hand and you will be surprised. Ask kids questions to see what they know about soil. The two groups of living things are plants and animals. The oldest living thing...

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Monsanto Free Seed Suppliers

CLICK HERE FOR RARE HARD TO FIND SEEDS. Monsanto-Free Seed Companies: 
Adaptive Seeds All Good Things Organic Amishland Seeds Annapolis Valley Heritage Seed Company Annie’s Heirloom Seeds The Ark Institute Baker Creek Seed Co. Beauty Beyond Belief (BBB Seeds)...

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Seed Pictures

Coco de Mer The World's Largest Seed The secret behind the world’s largest seed is leaves that channel rainwater and nutrients right to the plant’s thirsty roots. The Coco-de-Mer palm produces monster nuts. The biggest weighs 40 pounds. These plants grow wild on...

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Saving Seeds

  Saving seeds I collect seeds all the time. Seeds are as distinctive from one another as grains of pollen or people. It is the beautiful flowers that make incredible seeds that can stick to you, fly or float. Seeds feed the world! Seeds that feed most people:...

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All About Seeds

Seeds Feed the World . . . from rice to corn to beans! There are many kinds of plants and most have seeds that under the right conditions will grow a plant just like the one that the seeds came from... Seeds look dead, but they are little packages of life. Seeds may...

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Click on link for other pages: Saving Seeds Seed Pictures Monsanto Free Seed Suppliers Healthy Seeds Global Seed Network Seeds Feed the World . . . from rice to corn to beans! Seeds look dead, but they are little packages of life. They may be small as a speck of dust...

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Planting Bulbs

Crocus To many gardeners, the autumnal rite of bulb planting is a ritual. Many spring bulbs naturalize well in most North American regions such as galanthus, scillas, crocuses, muscari, daffodils, and most species of tulips, alliums, and anemones. When buying bulbs...

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