“We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.” John F. Kennedy, October 26, 1963
“If we were to bring creativity down to earth, it would not have to be reserved for exceptional individuals or identified with brilliance. In ordinary life creativity means making something for the soul out of every experience.” ~Thomas Moore
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
Click links below for recipes and crafts:
- How to Blow Out an Egg
- Bracelets
- Paint Recipes
- Silly Slime
- Play Dough
- Clay Play
- Bubbles
- Paper Mache
- Borax Snowflake
- Carbon Dioxide Balloon
- Fizzing Potion
- Layering Liquids
- Ojo de Dios
- Sunprints
- Old Fashioned Volcano
- Tumeric Dip Sticks
- Charcoal Crystal Garden
- Tea Staining
- Musical Instruments
- Bird Recipes and Crafts
- Miscellaneous Recipes
- Spring Crafts
- Summer Crafts
- Independance Day Crafts
- Fall Crafts
- Halloween Crafts
- Thanksgiving Crafts
- Valentine Crafts
- Easter Crafts
- Christmas Crafts
Resource links:
The Higher Purpose of Doodling

Modern Tin Art – This seemingly complex tin art is made from easily found supplies. Cardboard from a cereal box, aluminum foil, permanent pens, paper, and string are used to create these incredible (and professional-looking) pieces. It’s a way to let students play with shape, color, and patterns, leaving them with something their parents can proudly display on the wall.

Surrealist Glue Art – Decalcomania was a process used by the Surrealists, but it’s one that’s easily explored in the classroom. Elmer’s Glue mixed with liquid watercolor makes the paint, which is dripped onto a clear piece of Dura-lar film. The film is then folded in half and pressed together, allowing the colors to spread and mesh. Opened up and pressed against a canvas or piece of paper, what remains is a whimsical and colorful image. Permanent markers are then used to define patterns and shapes within that image. The resulting artwork is imaginative and otherworldly.

Chihuly-Inspired ‘Glass’ Sculptures – Dale Chihuly is an inspiration for many young artists. His fanciful heat-formed glass sculptures are often re-created in classrooms using all sorts of interpretive, kid-friendly supplies like colorful construction paper and painted plastic bottles. But this video from Blick Art Supplies features clear polyester film, made malleable with a hot-water soak. Once the proper shape is achieved, the sculptured pieces are brought to life with porcelain paint. The results are spot-on and stunning.