by Susan Dean | Feb 7, 2018 | Shops
I love toys and like to use them when teaching. I have included toys that are educational and deveop dexterity and balance and are fun, At one time, I owned and operated a children’s shop in Charleston, S.C. It was a creative outlet for me and for many people and a way to provide the finest in children’s toys and clothing locally and be a part of the old market restoration project many years ago. Many people made specialty items for my store including the senior citizens, who made beautiful wooden cars and boats and quilts! I am doing research in hopes of bringing to you the most well-made, non-toxic, educational, and fun toys for children available online. These are toys I would purchase and if you purchase anything through my shop it will help support this website and others. I hope you will continue to visit, love and enjoyoy!
Plush Toys
Wooden Toys
Brio Trains and Toys
Cars. Trucks, Planes
Bath and Water Toys
Science Toys
Music and Instruments
Riding Toys
Art Supplies
Construction Toys
Lego First Builders
Lego Juniors
Gardening with Kids Shop
Bath and Water Toys For Baby
Coming soon:
by Susan Dean | Feb 7, 2018 | Artworks
The Magnolias
This page is of past creations. A tribute to the beautiful designs of life and nature and the joy it has given me exploring and discovering them.
The seashell flowers are made from jingles, pen shells, bubbles, cowries, slippers, periwinkles, scallops, clams, cockles, turbans, tops, cat’s paws, augers, and a wide wide variety of ocean treasures that I have found on the beach, or friends have given me, or I collected over the years teaching, or I bought from responsible collectors. The ocean has always been a renewing force in my life . . . as much as sitting on top of a tall mountain!
If you are interested in flowers as a gift or for a wedding you may contact me at The flowers are each unique, and something you can keep in remembrance of a beautiful day of celebration.
Pictures from a recent wedding I did:
Wedding Bouquet




Kissing Ball for Flower Girl

Halo for Flower Girl

Wedding Bouquet

Seashell Flower Candle Rings



by Susan Dean | Feb 7, 2018 | Artworks
When two of my children got married I made the decorations for their wedding cakes. My son’s wedding was on the beach and I had my choice of what to make and the size of the cake! The first thing I did was make a model of the cake and ordered the almond paste and fondant. The decorations are hand painted with diluted natural food colorings. Can you see the little crab on top?

My oldest daughter wanted camelias and that was really a challenge! Most of the decorations on her cake are made of almond paste but the camelias are made from fondant. The groom made the all natural red velvet cake (with beets) and it was delicious! The best I have ever had.

by Susan Dean | Feb 7, 2018 | Artworks
I have walked many graveyards looking for beautiful simple gravestone art. These are a few treasures. Many of them came from Charleston S.C. but also from graveyards in other parts of South Carolina and North Carolina.

by Susan Dean | Feb 7, 2018 | Artworks
The Great Seed Spirit

Globe patchwork shade of rice paper and india ink prints and the lamp base from an old ship.

Old Drum table. Burned, stained, and finished!
Sullivan’s Island Bridge at Sunset
The white canvas of this chair called me to paint! I haven’t quite finished it yet.

I just finished this little indoor outdoor table!
Black Jesus

by Susan Dean | Feb 7, 2018 | Artworks

Written and Illustrated by Susan Dean
With trees as her muse, South Carolinian Susan Dean presents a spellbinding prose-and-poetry picture book. To the soulful and the contemplative, the poetry genre has long served as the perfect avenue for artistic and philosophical self-expression; a virtual refuge for the dreamer and the thinker. The Tree of the Child is a dazzling mix of poetry, prose, and spellbinding artwork; a masterfully crafted celebration of thoughts and imagery that salutes the mystery, beauty, and endless mystique of Creator and creation. Through the pages of this work, readers are introduced to some of life’s most inspiring truths, diversely expressed through her words and artwork. Brimming with wisdom, visual beauty, and inspiration, this work of art broadcasts the soulful voice of one of the most talented and contemplative minds in literature today. X-Libris Publishing