Herbal Activities With Kids


Herbal Activities with Kids

Many prescription medicines contain drugs derived from natural herbs. Many perfumes and fragrances are made from the oils in herbs. Herbs have been used for at least 5,000 years by all cultures for cooking, medicine, crafts, and cosmetics. Many herbs are easy to grow and they have rich histories and many uses that provide an enticing, multi-sensory theme for learning science concepts and skills, studying other cultures, and connecting topics across the curriculum.

“Herb” refers to any plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities. In many cases, oils and the compounds that cause healing are found in herbs. Herbs give us delicious flavors and aromas.
Compare plants
Have students taste six edible leaves of basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, chives, and parsley and describe the tastes of each.
Herbs contain oils that create the odors and flavors we experience. After smelling several herbs, have students guess how such odors might help the plants survive in their environment? (the odors can both attract helpful insects and repel “pests.”)

GROWING CLASSROOM HERBS – Many herbs can be easily grown from seeds, cuttings, or plants.

Seeds – Plant herb seeds in the same soilless potting mix you use for other indoor plants, or plant them in a mixture of 1/3 sand, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 soil. Most herb seeds are small, and should be planted no more than 1/4″ deep in moist soil or sprinkled on the top of soil and covered lightly with potting mix. You can have children mix tiny seeds with a small amount of sand to make them easier to sprinkle over the soil. Mist the soil, and cover containers with plastic to keep seeds moist until they germinate. To give herb plants room to grow to maturity, thin seedlings to one per 4″ container or 2 plants per 6″ container.

Cuttings – Some herbs are quicker and easier to start from cuttings than from seeds. To take cuttings, snip healthy stems 3-4 inches from the growing tip. Remove leaves from the lower half of the cutting, and plant the cutting in a soilless mix. Water gently and cover the container with a plastic bag until new top growth appears.

MOTHERS’ DAY HERB BOOKS – Have students adopt an herb to grow. Students can read seed package directions to see how to plant and care for their herbs, make ongoing observations, and drawings, and research history, folklore, medicinal, and culinary uses. Have students go through recipe books to find recipes with their particular herb. Each student can create a book to include drawings, observations, research reports, and a variety of recipes for his or her herb.

There are endless opportunities to tie language arts, math, social studies, science skills, art, and more in with an herb unit. Reflect on some of the varied uses, past and present, for herbs and consider how you might incorporate them into engaging cross-disciplinary activities.

Explore the use of herbs in different cultures and cook an international meal.
Create a class cookbook of your favorite herb recipes.
Make aromatic herbal “sachets” or catnip toys from dried herbs in fabric pouches.
Research and practice some herbal dyeing in your classroom. Herbs that are good for dyeing include: catnip, marigolds, marjoram, morning glories, parsley, rosemary, sage, and zinnias.
Have a “smell test” using aromatic herbs to see if students can identify them.
Find out about the culinary, cosmetic, and craft uses of herbs by people in a time period or culture you’re studying. For example: Pilgrims, Pioneer Days, Native American Life, Ancient Greece, the Middle Ages, the Victorian Era, etc.
Herbs have been used for thousands of years to perfume our bodies and homes. They’re used to cleanse, protect, and invigorate our skin and hair. Have students survey soaps, shampoo, cosmetics, lotions in stores or in the house to identify herbal ingredients.
If the opportunity arises, devise a “fair test” to compare the effects of the juices of the aloe plant on burns to those of a commercially made lotion.
Interview a pharmacist to find out which medicines used today are made from plants.


Days to Germination

How to Start It





seeds or plants






seeds or plants



seeds or divide plants



seeds or plants














plant cloves as bulbs



Lemon Balm


seeds or plants






cuttings, plants, seeds



seeds or plants (soak 12 hrs. before planting)


plants or runners



seeds or plants



seeds or plants



seeds or plants

Summer Savory







plants or seeds

Herb and Spice Blends

Taco Seasoning

1/2 cup chili powder
1/4 cup onion powder
1/8 cup ground cumin
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon sea salt

Mix all ingredients in a jar. Shake the jar to mix the ingredients well before each use.
Store in a dry, cool place.

Dry Onion Soup Mix

2/3 cup dried, minced onion
3 teaspoons parsley flakes
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons turmeric
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

Mix all ingredients in a jar. Shake to mix ingredients well before each use. Store in a dry, cool place.

Ranch Mix

5 tablespoons dried minced onions
7 teaspoons parsley flakes
4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder

Mix ingredients in a jar, then shake the jar to mix the ingredients well before each use. Store in a dry, cool place.

Spice Blends

Nightshade free? Do not use recipes with paprika, chili powder, chipotle powder or red pepper flakes.
Combine spices in a bowl and store in a small container.

Smoky Spice Blend

1 Tbl chipotle powder
1 Tbl smoked paprika
1 Tbl onion powder
½ Tbl cinnamon
1 Tbl salt
½ Tbl black pepper

Chorizo Spice Blend

2 Tbl chipotle powder
1 Tbl smoked paprika
1 bl onion powder
1 Tbl garlic powder
½ Tbl sea salt
1 tsp. black pepper

Cooling Spice Blend

1 Tbl tumeric
1 Tbl cinnamon
1 Tbl cumin
1 Tbl oregano
1 tsp black pepper
1 Tbl onion powder
1 Tbl garlic powder

Indian Spice Blend

2 Tbl onion powder
2 tsp. garam masala
2 tsp coriander
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp red pepper flakes

Italian Sausage Spice Blend
(Use 2 Tbl per pound of meat to make sausage.)

1 tsp sea salt
1 Tbl fennel seeds ground
1 Tbs rubbed sage
1 Tbl garlic powder
1 Tbl onion powder
¼ tsp white pepper
2 tsp dried parsley

Curry Spice Blend

1 Tbl curry powder
1 Tbl onion powder
1 Tbl paprika
½ Tbl cinnamon
1 Tbl sea salt

Savory Spice Blend

2 Tbl rosemary-sage salt
1 Tbl garlic powder
1 Tbl onion powder
½ Tbl paprika
1 tsp black pepper

Greek Spice Blend

2 Tbl lemon salt
2 Tbl dried oregano
1 Tbl garlic powder
2 tsp black pepper


11 Herbs and Spices that Keep Disease at Bay

The array of healthy herbs and spices that our plant world has to offer us expands our palates and perks up our dinner plates and also perform important restorative functions throughout our bodies to help keep us healthy, vibrant, and disease-free.
These as especially noteworthy for two reasons: Each is distinctly potent for healing, make excellent additions to your favorite meal dishes and they’re all easy to find and easy on the wallet.

1.Turmeric has profound anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric’s pain relieving, immune-modulating, heavy metal-detoxifying, and cancer-preventing benefits are pronounced. A relative of ginger, it is among the world’s most therapeutic natural substances. There are at least 580 different ways in which turmeric can help the body, which include its ability to prevent and fight cancer, mitigate radioactive exposure, protect against disease-causing inflammation, and bolster brain health. Turmeric has long held premier status in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for nearly 6,000 years.

2. Chili Pepper gives food a spicy kick! A compound found in chili pepper known as capsaicin stops the body from producing damaging inflammation. Capsaicin helps relieve pain and promote nerve health, and is an excellent choice for people with arthritis. Capsaicin, found in cayenne, jalapeños, and several other nightshades, has been shown in studies to fight cancer. Capsaicin is powerfully chemo-protective, as well as a promoter of apoptosis (causes cancer cells to commit cell “suicide.)”

3. Rhodiola Rosea, known as “golden root,” has the generalized effect of helping the body to effectively navigate a volatile and stressful world. It can directly combat the damaging effects of environmental pollution inside our bodies and help keep our minds clear and blood pressure levels in check. It helps the body to burn fat while producing more energy, lowers cortisol levels, improves brain function, and fights depression. It aids red blood cells in delivering more oxygen to muscles. Studies show that rhodiola invokes an anti-inflammatory response in the body, helping to boost performance and improve muscle recovery. The cortisol-lowering properties of rhodiola help balance thyroid function and optimize hormone production.

4. Ginseng – There are 11 different varieties of this well-known herb. It is one of the most popular native remedies in the world and is used to treat headaches, promote fertility, improve digestion, and boost energy levels, strengthen the immune system, and aid in sexual healing and rejuvenation. Ginseng has an amazing ability to keep disease-causing inflammation at bay. Ginseng is a powerful anti-cancer herb that improvs the function of natural killer cells while minimizing oxidative stress throughout the body.

5. Ginkgo Biloba has a solid track record of therapeutic use that extends thousands of years. Ginkgo biloba exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-modulating effects that are well-documented in scientific literature. People use ginkgo regularly to help improve memory, mood, and brain function. Science suggests that this herb can help increase energy and improve focus. Ginkgo stands out from the rest for its ability to prevent, and even reverse, cognitive decline and neurodegeneration, while helping to lift one’s spirits and improve feelings of calm and contentment. Nervous system disorders like fibromyalgia respond positively to ginkgo.

#6: Bacopa is another Ayurvedic herb that shows incredible healing benefits for brain health as it relates to concentration and memory. Bacopa has an adaptogenic effect in helping to mitigate stress and stress-related health conditions, emphasized by its ability to modulate the brain’s production of dopamine and other “feel-good” chemicals as needed. It helps relieve anxiety and depression, and studies show it can help ward off degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

#7: Periwinkle has an extensive history of use in Ayurveda. Periwinkle is loaded with vinca alkaloids that are powerfully cytotoxic − meaning they kill cancer cells. In addition to helping lower blood pressure and fighting off pathogens, vinca alkaloids are so effective in healing cancer that they are said to be the second-most-used class of cancer “drugs” in modern medicine.

#8: Astragalus contains an array of saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and other unique compounds that boost immunity, protect against heart disease, ward off bacteria and viruses, and improve cellular communication. It has been shown to break down and eliminate tumors and is known for its ability to target the inflammatory responses that, in many cases, cause healthy cells to go rogue and become cancerous in the first place.

#9: Holy Basil is often brewed as a tea to help calm the nerves and balance blood sugar levels. It can help to restore proper functionality to both the thyroid and adrenal glands. What makes holy basil special in this regard, along with rhodiola, ginseng, and some of the other adaptogenic herbs is the fact that this herb isn’t a stimulant, yet its stress-relieving properties help normalize adrenal function, which in turn helps boost energy levels, focus, and mental stability. Holy basil helps fight cancer, exhibiting powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties that protect nearly every system of the body from breakdown including vital organs and the cellular system. Antioxidant phytonutrients in holy basil help to promote healthy gene expression, as well as inhibit cancer metastasis and tumor growth. They’ve even exhibited a direct effect in destroying cancer cells.

#10: Lemon Balm is an herb that hails from the mint family. This healthy herb is one that many people use aromatherapeutically to promote calm, peace of mind, and restful sleep. Lemon balm helps sharpen memory, boost alertness, and improve overall mood and is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer-causing free radical damage throughout the body thus helping to prevent the formation of chronic disease. Lemon balm serves as a potent liver tonic aiding in the liver’s production of two of the most important antioxidants that our bodies need for health: glutathione and superoxide dismutase.

#11: Rosemary has an intoxicating aroma. Rosemary helps improve cognitive performance and mood, and helps one think better and perform daily tasks more efficiently and effectively. Two key constituents of rosemary, caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid, are potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect the body against free radical damage. Rosemary contains a substance known as carnosol that helps rid the body of toxic substances that can lead to the formation of breast cancer. Rosemary possesses generalized anti-tumoral properties that help to prevent cancers of the colon, liver, stomach, skin, and blood.

Edible Flowers

When you fix that healthy salad make add fresh herbs and colorful flowers!

Edible Flowers: Violet, Nasturtium, Pansy, Calendula, French Marigold, Bee Balm, Squash blossoms,
Day lilies, Borage, Thyme, Oregano, Honey suckle, Rose, Lavender, Jasmine, Sage, chamomile, Primrose, Orange,
Apple, Pinks, Carnation, Mint, Thyme, clover, chervil, chrysanthemums, dandelion, daylillies, roses, hyacinths,
gladiolas, hollyhocks,impatiens, lilac, Chive, Red runner bean. The blossoms of chive, garlic, and pea are also edible.
Sprinkle flowers on salads or use as garnishes. Steep flower petals in vinegar 3 weeks for a floral-infused
vinegar for salad dressings. Stir chopped petals into softened butter for a colorful spread. Large squash
blossoms can be dipped in a batter and fried, or stuffed and baked.
*Only eat flowers or anything for that matter that you know are safe and free of herbicides and pesticides.
Most herbs in the garden have flowers that are beautiful, colorful and edible with a mild taste similar to that of the leaves.

To keep flowers fresh, place them on moist paper towels and refrigerate in an airtight container. Some will last up to 10 days this way. Ice water can revitalize limp flowers. The following is a list of edible flowers:

1. Allium blossoms (leeks, chives, garlic, garlic chives) are edible and flavorful! Every part of these plants is edible.

2. Angelica flowers range from pale lavender-blue to deep rose and have a licorice-like flavor.

3. Anise hyssop flowers and leaves have a subtle anise or licorice flavor.

4. Arugula blossoms are small with dark centers and a peppery flavor like the leaves. They range in color from white to yellow with dark purple streaks.

5. Bachelor’s button is grassy in flavor, the petals are edible. Avoid the bitter calyx.

6. Basil blossoms come in a variety of colors, from white to pink to lavender; flavor is similar to the leaves, but milder.

7. Bee balm red flowers have a minty flavor.

8. Borage blossoms are a lovely blue and taste like cucumber!

9. Calendula / marigold golden blossoms are peppery, tangy, and spicy.

10. Carnations / dianthus petals are sweet, once trimmed away from the base. Blossoms taste like their sweet, perfumed aroma.

11. Chamomile’s small and daisylike flowers have a sweet flavor and are often used in tea. Ragweed sufferers may be allergic to chamomile.

12. Chervil has delicate blossoms and flavor, which is anise-tinged.

13. Chicory has a mildly bitter earthiness evident in the petals and buds, which can be pickled.

14. Chrysanthemum is a little bitter, mums come in a rainbow of colors and a flavor range from peppery to pungent. Use only petals.

15. Cilantro – people either love the blossoms or hate them. The flowers share the grassy flavor of the herb. Use fresh as they lose their charm when heated.

16. Citrus (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, kumquat) blossoms are sweet and highly scented. Use frugally or they will over-perfume a dish.

17. Clover flowers are sweet with a hint of licorice.

18. Dandelion add a bright yellow to dishes

19. Dill – The yellow dill flowers taste much like the herb’s leaves.

20. English daisy – Petals are somewhat bitter — but they look great!

21. Fennel – Yellow fennel flowers have a subtle licorice flavor like the herb itself.

22. Fuchsia – Tangy fuchsia flowers make a beautiful garnish.

23. Gladiolus – Although gladioli are bland, they can be stuffed, or their petals removed for an interesting salad garnish.

24. Hibiscus, famously used in hibiscus tea, the vibrant cranberry flavor is tart and can be used sparingly.

25. Hollyhock – Bland and vegetal in flavor, hollyhock blossoms make a showy, edible garnish.

26. Impatiens flowers don’t have much flavor – best as a garnish or for candying.

27. Jasmine’s super-fragrant blooms are used in tea; you can also use them in sweet dishes, but sparingly.

28. Johnny Jump-Up’s flowers have a subtle mint flavor great for salads, pastas, fruit dishes and drinks.

29. Lavender flowers are sweet, spicy, and perfumed, and are a great addition to savory and sweet dishes.

30. Lemon Verbena – The diminutive off-white blossoms are redolent of lemon — and great for teas and desserts.

31. Lilac blooms are pungent, and the floral citrusy aroma translates to its flavor.

32. Mint – The flowers are — surprise! — minty. Their intensity varies among varieties.

33. Nasturtium is one of the most popular edible flowers. Blossoms are brilliantly colored with a sweet, floral flavor bursting with a spicy pepper finish. When flowers go to seed, the seed pod is a marvel of sweet and spicy. You can stuff flowers, add leaves to salads, pickle buds like capers, and garnish to your heart’s content.

34. Oregano flowers are a pretty, subtle version of the leaf.

35. Pansy petals are nondescript, but if you eat the whole flower you get more taste.

36. Radish flowers vary in color and have a distinctive, peppery bite.

37. Rose petals have a strongly perfumed flavor perfect for floating in drinks or scattering across desserts, and for a variety of jams. All roses are edible, with flavor more pronounced in darker varieties.

38. Rosemary flowers taste like a milder version of the herb

39. Sage blossoms have a subtle flavor similar to the leaves.

40. Squash and pumpkin blossoms are wonderful for stuffing, each having a slight squash flavor. Remove stamens before using.

41. Sunflower petals can be eaten, and the bud can be steamed like an artichoke.

42. Violets are floral, sweet and beautiful as garnishes. Use the flowers in salads and to garnish desserts and drinks.



Passion Flower



(Passiflora incarnata) is a perennial, climbing vine native to Southern and Central America and is cultivated in Europe. It reaches a height of 10-12 metres and climbs using thin tendrils to spiral around the host plant. The leaves are palmate, 3-lobed and alternate. The 5-petaled flowers have 5 sepals that make it look like the flower has 10 petals; they are pale blueish-white in color with a purple ‘fringe-like’ layer of fine petals on top. The flower has 5 pale colored stamens and 3 stigmas.

There are thought to be over 600 different forms of passiflora, commonly known as Passionflower, Maypops and also Maracuja in the Amazon. It was discovered in Peru in 1569 by the Spanish Doctor, Nicolás Monardes (c1493 – 1588). In 1608 Jesuit priests officially presented this herb from the New World to Pope Paul V by offering him dried samples of the plants and botanical illustrations. In the 17th century Giacomo Bosio a member of the Knights Hospitaller, referred to the passionflower as ‘La Flor de las cinco Llagas’, which translated as ‘the flower with 5 wounds’, a name that referenced the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. The herb was used as a means to convert the Inca tribes to Christianity.

The passion flower tells the story of the Passion of Christ, it’s said that the 3 stamens represent the wounds of Christ, the sepals represent the apostles, and the corona (the frills around the stamens) are said to represent the crown of thorns.

The herb was discovered in the 16th century and it has taken over 100 years for the herbal wisdom of the passionflower to makes its way to the western world. In 1625 Tobia Aldinus, physician to Cardinal Farnese of Rome wrote in his book Hortus Farnesianus “This is the famous plant sung by poets and celebrated by orators. The plant reasoned about by philosophers, with the utmost subtlety, praised by physicians for its marvellous value. Sought for eagerly by the sick, wondered at by theologians, and venerated by all pious Christians”.

Some 8 years later, passionflower was added to the 1633 re-issue of John Gerard’s Herbal. Gerard died in 1612 and the publishers of the original version, Joyce and Bonham Norton, commissioned the botanist and apothecary Thomas Johnson (1600–1644) to revise and add to Gerard’s herbal. He did by all accounts most admirably, adding herbs from the new world to the book including the passionflower of which he wrote. Spanish Friers for some imaginary resemblances in the flower, first called it The Passion flower,” and made it as it were an Epitome of our Saviors passion.

The Passionflower is native to America and its medicinal uses were first discovered and used by the Native American’s. Passionflower is included in a Materia Medica written in Latin by the German botanist and physician Johann David Schoepf (1752-1800) and published in 1787. In one of the first reference books detailing the medicinal plants of the America’s, Schoepf mentioned the fact that the Native American’s used Passionflower to help in cases of epilepsy in the elderly. It became popular with the Victorians not as a medicine, but as an exotic bloom. In folklore the plant has been associated with calm and peace.
Passionflowers anti-spasmodic and sedative properties were documented, the authors wrote that “Its force is exerted chiefly upon the nervous system, the remedy finding a wide application in spasmodic disorders and as a rest-producing agent. It proves especially useful in the insomnia of infants and old people. It gives sleep to those who are laboring under the effects of mental worry or from mental overwork.”

Medicinal history: Used in the treatment of whooping cough, morphine habit, delirium tremens, convulsions in children and neuralgia, neuroses of children, teething and spasms, in the treatment of tetanus, hysteria, puerperal convulsions (involuntary spasms that occur in women just before, during, or just after childbirth), painful diarrhea, and acute mania.

Passionflower is widely used in sleep formulations, particularly when combined with valerian and/or hops.

Modern day herbalists utilize the aerial parts of the passion flower (flowers, leaves, and stems) for treating a variety of conditions, including insomnia and for pain relief, the variety commonly used medicinally is the Passiflora incarnate as it is the most medicinally beneficial variety. The herb is used to treat nervous tension, irritability, irritable bowel syndrome and premenstrual tension. An infusion of the plant is useful for treating back pain, due to its anti-spasmodic action. Passiflora contains a variety of alkaloids and flavonoids that are effective and non-addictive sedatives that do not cause drowsiness.

The herb contains a selection of indole alkaloids including harmine which as well as antidepressant properties, has insecticidal properties, and passiflorine, a substance which has been likened to morphine. Passionflower has a rich flavonoid content including luteolin an antioxidant studied for its potential immune system effects, and quercetin an effective bronchodilator, which can help reduce the release of histamine and other allergic or inflammatory chemicals in the body.

Cyanogenic glycosides are present along with the coumarins scopoletin and umbelliferone used as a sunscreen agent, and an optical brightener in the textile industry. Plant acids such as palmitic, oleic and myristic are present. Myristic acid is added to topical preparations for the skin as it aids absorbtion into the skin.

Passionflower leaves were used by tribes in the Amazon in poultices to heal cuts and bruises. The Cherokee used the herb in similar ways, and brewed the leaves and tendrils into a tea. The dried leaf and flowers can be combined with other herbs such as hops, chamomile and lavender to make a fragrant and soothing herbal sleep pillow. The dried leaf can be made into a bath tea with other soothing herbs such as lavender and rose petals to make a wonderfully fragrant and relaxing bath blend.

Passion Flower Tincture – Add Passion flower tincture to lotions, soaps, creams and bath products for the skin where astringency is required. No other non-medicinal uses are known for the tincture of this herb.

Do not take passionflower if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Passion Flower should not be given to children under the age of 2.

It is used as a tea to counteract nervousness. It is a very useful herb for helping treat conditions such as neuralgia and insomnia. Passionflower has analgesic, anodyne, anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, astringent, diaphoretic, hypnotic, narcotic, sedative and vasodilator properties. Passionflower is a wondrous relaxant and is particularly useful for those who are anxious. It has a quieting effect on the nervous system and in insomnia it produces normal sleep with no disturbance of the cerebral function. Passion Flower is a useful sedative and anti-spasmodic and is prescribed for convulsions, epilepsy, asthma, delirium tremens, and spasms of all kinds. It quiets the nervous system and leaves no harmful effects. It never stupefies the senses, and induces sleep except in cases when insomnia is due to pain”. Pictures below show the maypops and the fritillaria caterpiller who especially likes to eat the leaves. everywhere.







Fritillaria caterpillar and butterfly.




Benefits of Aloe

  • Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
  • Lowers high cholesterol.
  • Repairs “sludge blood” and reverses “sticky blood”
  • Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
  • Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
  • Protects the body from oxidative stress.
  • Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea.
  • Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
  • Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders.
  • Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
  • Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
  • Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
  • Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete.
  • Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
  • Ends constipation.
  • Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
  • Prevents and treats candida infections.
  • Protects the kidneys from disease.
  • Functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete.
  • Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
  • Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
  • Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.