How to Cleanse the Lymph System


The lymph system consists of lymph nodes, lymph vessels, and organs. The primary jobs of the lymphatic system are to isolate and fight infections, and to absorb excess fluid, fat and debris from our bodies. As these materials build up in the lymph system, it may become congested or blocked. Because the lymph system cleanses our entire body, symptoms of a blocked system can manifest in many ways from frequent cold and infections to joint pain. Follow healthy nutritional and lifestyle guidelines to cleanse and rejuvenate your lymph system.

Clean up your diet to cleanse your lymphatic system.  A healthy diet produces less waste for your lymph system to clean up, reducing your chances of congestion.

1. Avoid processed foods that are high in salt, sugar and preservatives.
2. Replace simple sugars and carbohydrates with whole grains, complex carbohydrates and fruit.
3. Identify any food allergies you may have and avoid eating those foods.
4. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of filtered or purified water daily. Your body needs to be well hydrated to keep your lymph system operating properly.
5. Practice deep breathing from your diaphragm and through your nose to keep your lymph fluids moving. Learn proper breathing techniques to get the proper amount of oxygen throughout your body.
6. Get regular physical exercise.  Jumping up and down on a trampoline or playing jump rope for 5 minutes a day is great for your lymph system. Other moderate exercise, such as walking and stretching, is helpful if done regularly.
7. Relax in a sauna or steam bath and let your body sweat out toxins to cleanse your system
8. Wear clothing that fits properly.  Tight clothing restricts your lymph system and contributes to blockage. For the same reason, women should avoid under-wire bras and try to wear no bra for at least 12 hours each day.
9. Deal with stress, depression and other emotional issues.  Just like a congested lymph system can lead to emotional problems, so can the reverse occur. Sometimes when we are stuck in stress or other emotional issues, these feelings manifest in physical problems.
10. Consider alternative therapies.  Acupuncture has been found to do wonders for keeping our lymph system flowing.  Regular treatment from a massage therapist who is familiar with lymph drainage massage is a great way to keep your entire body healthy and your lymph system running smoothly.
11. Do a detox and colon cleanse treatment. Choose one that is supported by liver enzymes to ease the burden on your liver and kidneys, and to decrease the pressure they place on your spleen.

The appearance of cellulite is often a sign of a congested lymph system. Massage the areas of your body where the cellulite exists, as well as the lymph nodes in your groin to help improve the condition.  Self-massage can be beneficial to cleanse your lymph system, especially if done around your abdomen and breasts.

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse
1 cup water
1-2 caps full of ACV
(I make my ACV with 32 ounces of water)
8 ounces equals 1 cup
You can mix honey with it for taste

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse II

In the blender put:
1 cup apple cider vinegar (organic unfiltered)
1 cup raw honey (local is best)
8 cloves of garlic

Mix for 1 minute on high speed. Put it in a glass container and keep it in the refrigerator for five days. Take 2 teaspoons every morning before breakfast mixed in water or juice. Diluting makes it easy to take.

Recipe III

Chop a small onion and a few cloves of garlic and put them in a jar and fill the jar with honey. Let it sit for a couple of weeks. You can use the honey that becomes kind of thin and syrupy just to eat as is, with or without straining or add 2/3 cup of raw apple cider vinegar to 1/3 cup of the honey mixture that has been strained. Dilute 1 Tablespoon of the mixture in juice or water and drink every morning.

11 ways to can get your lymph flowing

There are countless benefits of getting your lymphatic system moving more efficiently, including more energy, less pain, and improved detoxification.

1. Breathe deeply. Our bodies have three times more lymph fluid than blood and no organ to pump it. The lymph system relies on the pumping action of deep breathing to help transport toxins into the blood stream to be detoxified by your liver. So breathe in healing oxygen. Breathe out toxins.

2. Get moving. Exercise ensures the lymph system flows properly. The best is rebounding on a mini trampoline, which dramatically improves lymph flow, but stretching and aerobic exercise work well.

3. Drink plenty of water. Without adequate water, lymph fluid cannot flow properly. To ensure the water is readily absorbed by  cells, add some fresh lemon juice or oxygen or pH drops.

4. Stop drinking the sugar, color and preservative-laden beverages that add to the already overburdened workload the lymph system handles.

5. Eat more raw fruit on an empty stomach. The enzymes and acids in fruit are powerful lymph cleansers. Eat them on an empty stomach for best digestion and maximum lymph-cleansing benefits. Most fruits are digested within 30 minutes or so and quickly help you feel better.

6. Eat plenty of green vegetables to get adequate chlorophyll to help purify your blood and lymph.

7. Eat raw, unsalted nuts and seeds to power up your lymph with adequate fatty acids. Choose from walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

8. Add a few lymph-boosting herbal teas to your day, such as astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot or wild indigo root tea. Consult a specialist before combining two or more herbs if taking medications or have any serious health conditions.

9. Dry skin brush before showering. Use a natural bristle brush. Brush dry skin in circular motions upward from the feet to the torso and from the fingers to the chest. Work in the direction as your lymph flows—toward the heart.

10. Alternate hot and cold showers for several minutes. The heat dilates the blood vessels and the cold causes them to contract. Avoid this type of therapy if you have a heart or blood pressure condition or you are pregnant.

11. Get a gentle massage. A gentle massage can push up to 78 percent of stagnant lymph back into circulation. Massage frees trapped toxins. You can try a lymph drainage massage that specifically targets lymph flow in the body. Whatever type of massage, make sure it is gentle. Too much pressure may feel good on the muscles, but doesn’t have the same lymph-stimulating effects.

Dry Brushing your skin helps greatly with detoxification by helping the lymphatic system to cleanse and rid the body of toxins. One of the main functions of the lymphatic system is to protect against invading disease and micro-organisms. It is also responsible for transporting nutrients to other parts of the body.. However, it does not have its own pumping system and is thus dependent on good breathing (deep breathing exercises helps pump the lymph) and circulation. Daily skin brushing can effectively boost a sluggish lymph system. Always brush the extremities toward the heart. Do not skin brush at night since the stimulation may keep one awake.
Exercises to Clear the Lymph System

      If lymph fluids get backed up in our nodes or if there are problems with our lymph ducts, the nodes may swell and become inflamed and compromise the body’s immune system.
      White blood cells are the reason the lymphatic system is so important. A doctor looks at WBC levels in determining an infection. When pathogens invade the body, white blood cells exit the lymph nodes and enter the bloodstream to fight the infection, characterized typically by two things: a fever and a high WBC count. Low WBC counts in the presence of a fever can signify a problem with your immunity.
      The lymphatic system is not a closed system, and in humans it doesn’t have a pump. The movement of the lymph fluid relies on physical movement in order to circulate and prevent the nodes and ducts from becoming blocked with dead white blood cells. Without adequate movement of the fluid, lymph nodes can become infected and disturb the normal homeostasis of the body’s immune and vascular systems. In the brain, a lack of lymph drainage can damage memory and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. When the lymph nodes near our major organ systems don’t flow and drain effectively – it can cause widespread organ dysfunction.
      Certain kinds of movement and exercise are regarded as beneficial to the lymphatic system and assist the movement and drainage of the lymph.

#1: Massage is one of the most popular ways to manually drain your lymph nodes, particularly in areas like the breast and armpit. When massaging the breast, gently make circular motions that lead away from the areola and towards the armpit and downward.. You can apply this technique to other lymph nodes of the body.

#2: Exercise is another way to get all your lymph nodes drained. Moderate exercise helps improve vascular circulation and promotes adequate drainage two to three times better than not doing exercise at all. Lymph flow in and out of the nodes is increased during exercise. Try jogging, walking, cycling, or other similar exercises for 30 minutes, three times a week to promote proper drainage of  lymph nodes.
#3: Rebound Therapy is technically a form of exercise. Rebound therapy has a variety of health benefits from physical to emotional. Bouncing is really good for your health! Through gentle rebounding on a trampoline (or similar surface), circulation and lymph drainage is improved. It lies with the lymph ducts’ valves. Bouncing is a more intense form of walking. When pressure is placed on the lower extremities, the valves in the lymph ducts close and they open when the pressure is released. When you bounce, the valves close and open more fully than walking or jogging, promoting better lymph fluid evacuation.

Click here for the Stamina 36 inch foldable rebound trampoline




Cleansing the Body

Surely this is too good to be true, but you should try it. You will be amazed by the positive results of your body. The juice will enhance the digestion, destroy the toxins and will give you extra energy.

    1 glass of water
    1 fresh root ginger
    4 apples
    1 lemon

It is important to use organic food. Peel the lemon and put it in the juicer with the ginger root, apples, and water. Drink this juice in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast. 




Children’s Natural Multivitamins

    Children’s Natural Multi-Vitamin Glycerin Tincture Herbs
Six herbs chosen for nutritive qualities: 

Nettles contribute Vitamins A and C and readily absorbed minerals like calcium, silicon, and potassium.

Alfalfa lends beta-carotene, Vitamin K, some of the B complex vitamins, and numerous amino acids.

Red raspberry leaf is a source of important minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, and magnesium.

Oat straw contributes minerals such as chromium, silicon, and magnesium.

Rose hips are a concentrated source of Vitamin C and provide Vitamins A and E.

Mullein is a gentle herb that works well for children’s health and provides important minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sulfur.

Spearmint is added for flavor in this recipe. It has a sweet minty taste that is milder than peppermint.

Making the tincture is very easy:
    Combine 4 tablespoons each of alfalfa and nettles with 3 tablespoons each red raspberry leaf, oat straw, mullein, rose hips, and spearmint in a quart size Mason jar. Cap the jar and shake it to mix up the herbs.  They will fill about half of the jar.
Pour very hot water over the herbs until they are covered in water.
Pour vegetable glycerin into the jar, leaving about an inch of room at the top.  Gently stir the mixture to incorporate the herbs, water, and glycerin.  Place a lid on the jar and place the tincture mixture in a dark place for about two weeks at room temperature, or place in a very warm location for about three days.
    When time to strain the tincture, place a sieve over a large measuring cup.  Place a piece of cheesecloth or other thin cotton cloth over the strainer. Mullein has tiny hairs on the leaves and fabric ensures none go into the tincture. Pour the tincture with herbs into the cloth-lined sieve and strain.  If the tincture seems too thick, pour a little hot water over it.  When the tincture has been placed in the sieve, squeeze the cloth over the sieve to get out the last bits of tincture.  Pour the tincture into a dark glass container and store in a cool, dark place.
    To figure out how much you should give your child, my favorite use Clark’s Rule: Divide the child’s weight by 150 to get the fraction of adult dose they will take.
    Since these herbs are all nutritive herbs, non-toxic, and do not have upper limits like some herbs, start with something basic and easy to remember like taking 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for an adult.  What that will be for my child will depend on what answer I get after I plug their information in the “Clark’s Rule” formula.  Taking the supplement with a meal can help all of the vitamins and minerals absorb well.

11 Herbs and Spices that Help Keep Disease at Bay

11 Healthy Herbs & Spices That Help Keep Disease At Bay

The array of healthy herbs and spices that our plant world has to offer us expands our palates and perks up our dinner plates and also perform important restorative functions throughout our bodies to help keep us healthy, vibrant, and disease-free.
These as especially noteworthy for two reasons:
1. Each is distinctly potent for healing, and many make excellent additions to your favorite meal dishes.
2. They’re all easy to find and easy on the wallet.

1.Turmeric has profound anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric’s pain relieving, immune-modulating, heavy metal-detoxifying, and cancer-preventing benefits are pronounced. A relative of ginger, it is among the world’s most therapeutic natural substances. There are at least 580 different ways in which turmeric can help the body, which include its ability to prevent and fight cancer, mitigate radioactive exposure, protect against disease-causing inflammation, and bolster brain health. Turmeric has long held premier status in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for nearly 6,000 years.

2. Chili Pepper gives food a spicy kick! A compound found in chili pepper known as capsaicin stops the body from producing damaging inflammation. Capsaicin helps relieve pain and promote nerve health, and is an excellent choice for people with arthritis. Capsaicin, found in cayenne, jalapeños, and several other nightshades, has been shown in studies to fight cancer. Capsaicin is powerfully chemo-protective, as well as a promoter of apoptosis (causes cancer cells to commit cell “suicide.)”

3. Rhodiola Rosea, known as “golden root,” has the generalized effect of helping the body to effectively navigate a volatile and stressful world. It can directly combat the damaging effects of environmental pollution inside our bodies and help keep our minds clear and blood pressure levels in check. It helps the body to burn fat while producing more energy, lowers cortisol levels, improves brain function, and fights depression. It aids red blood cells in delivering more oxygen to muscles. Studies show that rhodiola invokes an anti-inflammatory response in the body, helping to boost performance and improve muscle recovery. The cortisol-lowering properties of rhodiola help balance thyroid function and optimize hormone production.

4. Ginseng – There are 11 different varieties of this well-known herb. It is one of the most popular native remedies in the world and is used to treat headaches, promote fertility, improve digestion, and boost energy levels, strengthen the immune system, and aid in sexual healing and rejuvenation. Ginseng has an amazing ability to keep disease-causing inflammation at bay. Ginseng is a powerful anti-cancer herb that improvs the function of natural killer cells while minimizing oxidative stress throughout the body.

5. Ginkgo Biloba has a solid track record of therapeutic use that extends thousands of years. Ginkgo biloba exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-modulating effects that are well-documented in scientific literature. People use ginkgo regularly to help improve memory, mood, and brain function. Science suggests that this herb can help increase energy and improve focus. Ginkgo stands out from the rest for its ability to prevent, and even reverse, cognitive decline and neurodegeneration, while helping to lift one’s spirits and improve feelings of calm and contentment. Nervous system disorders like fibromyalgia respond positively to ginkgo.

#6: Bacopa is another Ayurvedic herb that shows incredible healing benefits for brain health as it relates to concentration and memory. Bacopa has an adaptogenic effect in helping to mitigate stress and stress-related health conditions, emphasized by its ability to modulate the brain’s production of dopamine and other “feel-good” chemicals as needed. It helps relieve anxiety and depression, and studies show it can help ward off degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

#7: Periwinkle has an extensive history of use in Ayurveda. Periwinkle is loaded with vinca alkaloids that are powerfully cytotoxic − meaning they kill cancer cells. In addition to helping lower blood pressure and fighting off pathogens, vinca alkaloids are so effective in healing cancer that they are said to be the second-most-used class of cancer “drugs” in modern medicine.

#8: Astragalus contains an array of saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and other unique compounds that boost immunity, protect against heart disease, ward off bacteria and viruses, and improve cellular communication. It has been shown to break down and eliminate tumors and is known for its ability to target the inflammatory responses that, in many cases, cause healthy cells to go rogue and become cancerous in the first place.

#9: Holy Basil is often brewed as a tea to help calm the nerves and balance blood sugar levels. It can help to restore proper functionality to both the thyroid and adrenal glands. What makes holy basil special in this regard, along with rhodiola, ginseng, and some of the other adaptogenic herbs is the fact that this herb isn’t a stimulant, yet its stress-relieving properties help normalize adrenal function, which in turn helps boost energy levels, focus, and mental stability. Holy basil helps fight cancer, exhibiting powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties that protect nearly every system of the body from breakdown including vital organs and the cellular system. Antioxidant phytonutrients in holy basil help to promote healthy gene expression, as well as inhibit cancer metastasis and tumor growth. They’ve even exhibited a direct effect in destroying cancer cells.

#10: Lemon Balm is an herb that hails from the mint family. This healthy herb is one that many people use aromatherapeutically to promote calm, peace of mind, and restful sleep. Lemon balm helps sharpen memory, boost alertness, and improve overall mood and is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer-causing free radical damage throughout the body thus helping to prevent the formation of chronic disease. Lemon balm serves as a potent liver tonic aiding in the liver’s production of two of the most important antioxidants that our bodies need for health: glutathione and superoxide dismutase.

#11: Rosemary has an intoxicating aroma. Rosemary helps improve cognitive performance and mood, and helps one think better and perform daily tasks more efficiently and effectively. Two key constituents of rosemary, caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid, are potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect the body against free radical damage. Rosemary contains a substance known as carnosol that helps rid the body of toxic substances that can lead to the formation of breast cancer. Rosemary possesses generalized anti-tumoral properties that help to prevent cancers of the colon, liver, stomach, skin, and blood.





Foods That Grow Cancer

These Foods Make Cancer Cells Grow in Your Body!  Avoiding these foods will help you live healthier and longer.

Red Meat – Red meat is one of the major causes of colon cancer. According to  research which followed 150,000 people the ages of 50 and 74, a long-term consumption of red meat increased the amount of colon malignancy in the subjects.

Refined Sugars – Otto Warburg, the winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine (1931),  found that cancer and tumors use sugars to feed themselves. Sugars makes the cancer cells grow in size, which in turn increases the number of cancer patients.  Refined sugars increase insulin levels.

Potato Chips are high in fat and calories. They contain coloring agents, artificial flavors, and additives. When fried on high temperatures in order to look firm, a substance called acrylamide forms. This substance is carcinogenic and is also found in cigarette smoke.

GMO`s – genetically modified organisms are grown and modified with chemicals, which makes them harmful for the overall health.

Foods Highly Salted, Pickled or Smoked – These foods contain preservatives and other chemicals. When smoked, the food loses its nutritional value and its natural compounds. Tar is known as cancer-causing agent.  Salami, sausage, bologna, bacon, and other types of meat are high in fat and salt.

Microwave Popcorn contains propyl gallate, a chemical which causes stomach issues and skin rashes. It contains soybean oil, a GMO product, and other types of additives.

Soda Pop – It has been scientifically shown that people who consume more than one soda daily are at increased risk of stroke compared to people who don’t consume soda at all.  Soda drinks are high in sugar and calories.

Processed Meats contain many chemicals, additives, and sodium nitrates which make them look fresh and appealing.

Farmed Salmon – Even though fish is one of the healthiest foods available, farmed salmon is definitely something you need to avoid. Unlike wild salmon, the fresh salmon is contaminated with various antibiotics, pesticides, chemicals, and other cancer-causing agents. When buying salmon, avoid the red-colored one because that isn’t its natural color.

Canned Tomatoes – Canned foods, including tomatoes, contain a chemical called Bishpenol –A or BPA and it is recommended to avoid them.


Latest Cancer Information

Celery and cancer
Celery is the ideal addition to a healthy cancer-free lifestyle. Celery contains compounds that help repel cancer cells. Celery contains apigenin and luteolin, bioactive flavonoids that fight cancer cells. The apigenin component of celery fights cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). It is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat gout and some arthritic conditions. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound rivaling commercial anti-inflammatory drugs. Luteolin has the capacity to short-circuit the replication cycle of cancer cells. Luteolin is able to block the signal pathways (IGF and PI3K) necessary for the growth of cancer cells, specifically colorectal cancers. Luteolin also possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Other Health Benefits of Celery
Celery is rich in vitamins and minerals such as: A, C, K, folate, molybdenum, potassium, fiber, and other healthy components.

Replaces lost electrolytes. This water-loaded veggie is a superb post workout drink that replaces electrolytes in your body. It is a rich source of potassium and sodium, giving it a mild salty taste.

Balances your pH levels. Celery is one of several natural alkaline-forming foods. Eating celery reduces your body’s acid levels, helping you to maintain a balanced pH. If your pH level is too acidic, it can stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.

Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Celery is a good source of fiber that helps lower cholesterol levels by “sweeping” the cholesterol in the bloodstream. Celery contains pthalides, a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile juices that reduce LDL cholesterol. The pthalides relax the arterial wall and dilate the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow without interruption.

Prevents constipation. Since celery contains fiber, it helps prevent constipation. A cup of celery in your meal or snack can yield around 2 grams of fiber plus 97 grams of water content.

Improves kidney function. Celery has diuretic and cleansing properties that improve kidney function. Regular and frequent urination helps eliminate toxins within the body and prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Treats nervous disorders. Dating back to Hippocrates, celery has been used to treat nervous disorders. If you suffer from insomnia or anxiety, a cup of celery juice provides a soothing and calming effect on your nerves.


New Lime Compounds

     Kill 64% of Colon Cancer Cells in Vitro: Three newly discovered compounds in common limes (Citrus aurantifolia) were extracted from ‪‎lime‬ peels and found to kill up to 64% of human colon cancer cells (SW480) in vitro after 24 hours of treatment. The compounds induced cell cycle arrest and programmed cell death (apoptosis) in the cancer cells.
      This latest discovery adds to a long list of potent anti-cancer compounds that citrus fruit are already known to contain, such as flavonoids, limonoids, beta-cryptoxanthin, quercetin, and D-limonene.  Citrus fruit is now a well-established cancer fighter. Past studies have shown that eating just 4 servings of citrus weekly may reduce colon cancer risk by 18%, and the risk reductions for other GI tract cancers were much more impressive: 58% less risk for throat cancer, 53% less risk for mouth and pharyngeal cancers, and 31% less risk for stomach cancer. Women consuming the most citrus may also experience 10% less breast ‪cancer‬ risk. Beware that commercial ‪citrus‬ juices may contain much less of the beneficial compounds due to processing methods used. Eating fresh, organic fruit (or freshly prepared juice, rich in pulp) is always the method of choice.


Artemisinin / Sweet wormwood  Artemisia Annua

This recent research was published in Life Science and involved the herb, commonly used in Chinese medicine, artemisinin which is a “Sweet wormwood” plant or “Artemisia Annua” derivative.
When mixed with iron, researchers found that, within 16 hours, 98% of the cancer cells were killed. It was effective across all types of cancers. Artemisinin has been used in the past as a powerful anti-malarial herb, but this study was specifically exploring its action against cancer.
Mixing with iron seems to be the key point, as when the artemisinin was used in isolation there was only a 28% reduction in cancer cells. So when the patients in this study were given an iron supplement (which often accumulates in breast tissue, but especially so in cancerous cells), the artemisinin was effectively able to target ‘bad’ cells and leave ‘good’ cells alone.
The report concluded that “In general, our results show that artemisinin stops ‘E2F1′ transcription factor and intervenes in destruction of lung cancer cells, meaning it presents a transcription way according to which artemisin controls reproductive cancer cell growth”,
“This looks very promising,” says Gary Poser, an organic chemist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland – this could be a huge breakthrough.
Artemisinin is a compound derived from Wormwood and has been the subject of much research and has shown promise as an anti-malaria agent. It is now well established to have anti-proliferative and apoptotic (killing) effects on a number of cancer cell types.

Artemisia annua was first noted as a possible anticancer herb in 2001, when two researchers at the University of Washington learned that wormwood showed highly selective activity against breast cancer cells. “Artemisinin reacts with iron to form free radicals that kill cells. Since cancer cells uptake relatively large amount of iron than normal cells, they are more susceptible to the toxic effect of artemisinin.” The anticancer effect of artemisinin is thus much enhanced (up to 100x) by the preloading of cancer cells with iron.

Recent scientific research conducted at the Cancer Research Laboratory, University of California (Berkeley) has found that Artemisinin, a compound found in Artemisia, induced a growth arrest of tumorigenic human breast cancer cell lines with preneoplastic and late stage cancer phenotypes, but failed to arrest the growth of a nontumorigenic human mammary cell line.

Artemisinin killed the breast cancer cells without harming the healthy cells. This is exactly the kind of effect that researchers are looking for – because one of the greatest challenges of modern cancer research is to develop effective anti-cancer agents that don’t harm healthy cells. It is thought that hyperbaric oxygen therapy could further enhance the anticancer effects of artemisin.

 Artemisinin is one of the more promising anticancer herbs we have come across and worthy of due consideration not only by naturopaths but also by orthodox medicine. Artemisinin is sometimes being used as supplementation as an adjunct to chemotherapy. A comment from a lady whose husband had lung cancer:

“My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer, it filled the left lung and it was wrapped around his spinal cord and too close to a main artery and esophagus to operate. It also got into the Lymph system. The doctors were surprised that he wasn’t paralyzed since the cancer had crushed and cracked the spinal cord. I gave him Artemisinin capsules for four days at the beginning of the treatments with radiation and chemo. After six weeks he was cancer free and stayed that way. An amazing recovery.“ The medical staff said, “We don’t see that very often.”



1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.

3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become petrified and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body’s own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body’s normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.

Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

What cancer cells feed on:

a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg’s aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells.

To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water–best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

Preventing Cancer
      If you want to prevent the development of cancer, you have to oppose the acidity of your body, creating alkaline conditions. This recipe consists of lemon and baking soda.
      Lemon has strong anti-cancer properties. It has a solid impact on cysts and tumors and annihilates the cancer-causing cells of 12 distinct sorts of cancers. Lemon has 10 000 times more grounded impact than the medications or chemotherapy and has an exceptionally solid anti microbial impact with an extremely wide range of action against bacterial and contagious diseases.
      Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, and reduces stress. Lemon contains vitamin C, vitamin B, riboflavin, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
      By including baking soda, you will effectively diminish the acidity of the body. The disease cells can’t develop in an alkaline domain. Lemons have a strong anticancer effect. They destroy the malignant cells of 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas. When the baking soda is added to the lemon, the effect is even greater because it completely changes the pH levels of the body.

– 240ml of distilled water
– 1 teaspoon of baking soda
– Juice of 1 lemon

      Mix the ingredients, and drink this beverage on an empty stomach. You have to make this recipe at least three times a day. The patient should drink the lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda. Ensure the lemon is organic without chemicals. Natural lemon is 100 times more productive than lemon developed with manures and splashed with chemicals.














