The Run-Away Turkey
“Gobble, gobble,” said wobble wobble turkey, (flap fingers under chin)
“Today is Thanksgiving Day.
And I’ll get cooked for dinner if I don’t run away.( stir food, use hands to sneak away)
Over the hill wobble turkey jogged,
And he stopped by an old oak tree.
“ I’ll hide behind these branches so no one can find me.”
The branches shook – then Frisky squirrel came running down the tree.
“ If you will share my food,” she said, “ I’ll be happy as can be.”
Wobble Turkey spread his feather tail ( spread fingers)
And sat right down to eat.
He never guessed Thanksgiving Day would bring him such a treat! ( rub stomach)
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
A turkey sat on a backyard fence and he sang this sad sad tune.
Thanksgiving is coming gobble gobble gobble gobble,
And I know I’ll be eaten soon.
Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble,
I don’t like Thanksgiving Day!
Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble,
I woiuld like to run away!
Gobble Gobble Turkey
I’m a gobble gobble turkey from my head down to my toes
In back I have some feathers that I shake where e’re I go!
I gobble up my breakfast and I gobble all the day.
And when I get tired of gobblin then I gobble out to play.