• What should you do when a bull charges you? Pay him.
  • How do you stop a bull from charging? Take away his credit cards.
  • What did the gorilla use to fix the sink? A monkey wrench.
  • Why did Tarzan lose the tennis match?  He was up against a cheetah.
  • What does a frog do at a baseball game? He catches all the flies.
  • What is worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? A centipede with sore feet.
  • What did the horse say when she finished eating her hay? That’s the last straw.
  • Why did the snake shed its skin? To get to the other hide.
  • Why was the fox upset? Everyone kept hounding him.
  • Why did the police officer give the dog a ticket? He was in the no barking zone.
  • What do tooth fairies bring to sharks when they loose a tooth? A sandollar
  • What does a cow say at night? Moon
  • Who do fish hire to clean their houses? Mermaids.
  • What’s the difference between a cayote and a flee? One howls on the prairie and the other prowls on the hairy.
  • What kind of cheese would a mouse build his house out of? Cottage cheese
  • What do beavers eat for breakfast? Oak meal
  • Where do fish deposit checks? In river banks
  • Why did the lion spit out the clown? He taste funny
  • What did the father buffalo say to his son when he was leaving? Bison
  • How does a dog earn a living? Picking up scents
  • What newspaper do reptiles read? The scaly daly
  • What has one horn and gives milk? A milk truck
  • What kind of cat should you never play games with? A cheeta
  • What animals need oil? Mice because they squeek
  • Why is a dog so hot in the summer? He wears a coat and pants.
  • What is a frogs favorite game? Hopscotch
  • Why does a giraffe eat so little? Because a little goes a long way.
  • What did the duck say when it went shopping? Put it on my bill.