Water Experiments

1. Put a dry pinecone in a bucket of water and observe what happens.

2. Put fresh water in one jar and salt in another and gently drop a raw egg into each. The one in salt water floats. If an egg is old it will stand u or float on fresh water. Salt water has a higher density.

3. Let them observe a water vortex that forms in the sink or tub when you let the water out. Kids love the vortex they can make with the vortex maker – a connector between two plastic bottles.

4. Freeze some water in a plastic cup after marking the water level. Measure it afterwards to see how it expanded. Water expands by 1/9th its volume when it freezes.

5. Spray some water on the chalkboard to observe water evaporation. Blow a fan on one spot to see how moving air accelerate the evaporation of water.

6. Put a drop of food coloring in a glass of water and observe how the molecules move through the water to color it.

7. Dissolve different substances in water to show it’s great ability as a solvent (salt, sugar, corn starch, instant coffee or chocolate etc..)

8. Put some ice in a bowl of water to show that water floats on top of itself when frozen (show picture of an iceberg).

9. Let a jar of saltwater sit to evaporate and see if the salt evaporated out.

10. Put some water colored with food coloring in a vase of white flowers and see how plants drink water.

11. Teach them “The Water Cycle” song and “Water Going Down the Drain”

12. Put some ice in a can with some salt and observe the formation of dew on the outside.

13. When water evaporates it takes heat with it. Put some water on the back of your hand and blow on it. You will notice a different feeling when you blow on the dry hand.

14. Check out the weight of a gallon of water.

15. Test what sinks or floats in water.