“The fragrance, color, and form of the whole spiritual expression of Goldenrod are hopeful and strength-giving beyond any others I know. A single spike is sufficient to heal unbelief and melancholy.” John Muir
Goldenrod owes its reputation to its ruggedness and adaptability! It grows where soil is dry and sunlight plentiful and crops up where other plants can’t grow and thrive despite drastic changes in landscape. After a forest fire, it is often one of the first signs that woods are coming back to life.
The colonists called goldenrod tea “Liberty Tea,” for they drank it instead of black tea after the Boston Tea Party.
All species of goldenrod are safe and beneficial and are used to boost the immune system for winter.
Some of the medicinal uses are:
Cold and flu relief
Colic and gas relief
Lowers fever
Powdered Goldenrod root helps heal wounds
Goldenrod Vinegar helps prevent kidney stones, improves immune functioning, and helps with other kidney and bladder issues.
Improve mineral balance.
Blue mountain tea made from goldenrod leaves is sometimes used to combat fatigue in the Appalachian Mountain region.
Increases the flow of urine (as compared to a diuretic, which promotes loss of water and electrolytes)
Potent anti-allergic herb for sufferers of hay fever
Goldenrod is considered well tolerated due to its lack of side effects and contraindications. Goldenrod is not used as a cure for any of these disorders, but it can be a helpful component of treatment. Drink 6–8 glasses of fluids a day while using goldenrod to increase its effectiveness as a diuretic.
Goldenrod is used widely in Europe to treat urinary tract infections and help eliminate kidney or bladder stones. It is a flushing-out therapy for inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract and for helping to eliminate and prevent stones. It is considered useful in treating these disorders for several reasons. The herb helps eliminate bacteria and stones by increasing the flow of urine and “washing” them out and it soothes irritated tissue in the urinary tract and prevents muscle spasms.
Harvesting Goldenrod: Harvest top third of plant in full flower, shake to remove visitors, rinse and shake again, bundle 2-3 stems together and hang in a shady spot to dry completely! Remove dry flowers and leaves and store in a paper bag or jar.
Goldenrod : Put two handfuls of crushed dried goldenrod in a quart of hot water and steep for thirty minutes. Tea can be used to counter allergies (especially pollen), fevers, sore throats, coughs, colds and flu; take cold to relieve colic in babies or gas in adults. Dosage is two to four cups/day, between meals. Mint and yarrow are tasty additions.
Goldenrod Vinegar: Chop goldenrod coarsely, filling a jar with chopped flowers, leaves, and stalks. Fill the jar to the top with, pasteurized, room-temperature apple cider vinegar. Seal with a plastic lid. (Metal lids are eroded by vinegar.) Label with date and contents. Ready to use in six weeks.
Goldenrod tincture: Fill a jar with coarsely chopped flowers, leaves, and stalks and add 100 proof vodka, filling jar to the top. Seal and label jar. Ready to use in six weeks. by the droppers full, as an anti-inflammatory, a sweat-inducing cold cure, and an astringent digestive aid. Medical herbalists use up to 4 full droppers several times daily to treat kidney problems including nephritis, hemorrhage, kidney stones, inability to void, and prostate problems, including frequent urination.