Mullein flowers and leaves are favorite natural remedies. They have been used to combat colds, bronchitis, flu, emphysema and laryngitis among others. As a relaxing expectorant, mullein contains saponines that soothe bronchial spasm to clear out sticky phlegm and thick mucus. As a mild sedative, mullein fights inflamed nerves along the respiratory tract and relieves pain.
Licorice is a demulcent herb containing vegetable gum to lubricate surfaces. It softens and moistens irritated inflamed mucous membranes and reduces spasms that trigger coughing. Licochalcone A, a flavonoid in licorice root, known for its antimicrobial property, promotes anti-inflammatory activities to prevent cancer cell proliferation and improves acute lung injury. The active ingredients in licorice significantly drive down inflammatory cells, lung wet-to-dry ratio and protein leakage.
Gingko Biloba has a protective value on lung injury. Gingko biloba extracts stimulate systematic inflammatory response in lung tissue.
Echinacea is an anti-microbial herb that fights pathogenic microorganism while strengthening the immune system. It works by activating white blood cell production and aggressiveness. A formulation of Echinacea can reverse infection caused by the rhinovirus in human airway epithelium and improves the mucous secretion stimulated by rhinovirus. Echinacea may reduce mucus production during colds.
Rosemary is an anti-microbial herb that has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Rosemary has been used for alleviating colds, sore throats, flu, coughs, bronchitis and chest infections. Rosemary contains carnosol which possesses selective toxicity towards cancer cells without destroying non-tumorigenic cells
Eucalyptus oil treats various respiratory conditions including influenza, meningitis, common colds, fever, sore throat, sinusitis and bronchitis. It is known for its powerful antiseptic, expectorant, vermifuge, analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiviral properties. Eucalyptus is beneficial to the lungs because of cineole. This active ingredient is a powerful expectorant that eases coughs and fights various types of respiratory problems. One study showed that intake of 200 grams of cineole three times a day helped improve the symptoms of viral sinusitis. A study in Spain claimed eucalyptus brings about anti-inflammatory effects because it inhibits the production of nitric oxide. Eucalyptus has antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system.
Irish Moss is capable of treating a host of respiratory illnesses. It is one of the core ingredients of many prescriptions drugs used to treat bronchitis, and other lung problems. This herb is an excellent source of magnesium, iodine, sodium and calcium and it is noted for its anti-viral properties that help fight against mumps and influenza B viruses. Irish moss has anti-inflammatory, demulcent and expectorant properties. It is used to speed up recuperation from illnesses like pneumonia and tuberculosis. Irish moss abates the symptoms of common colds and flu. In addition to its ability to relieve unproductive dry coughs, Irish moss contains potassium chloride that dissolves catarrhs, responsible for congestion associated with coughs.
Hyssop is known for its anise=like aroma and contains expectorant properties that eliminate congestion of the lungs caused by sinusitis and other viral infections. Hyssop has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties that are known to help reduce fever and get rid of toxins in the body. Hyssop syrup relieves stubborn coughs and other pulmonary infections. Hyssop can treat lung problems which include cough, cold, and asthma, as well as fever, stomach problems, bruises, inflammation, and high blood pressure.
Slippery Elm is known to treat a wide range of health conditions and makes an excellent herb for the entire respiratory system. It’s perfect blend of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, mucilage, diuretic, emollient, laxative and expectorant properties make it a good herb for the lungs. It is beneficial in treating bronchitis, bleeding from the lungs, coughs, and in soothing mucous membranes. This herb contains anti-allergenic and antiseptic properties making it effective in treating asthma. By softening mucous membranes in the nose, slippery elm offers immense relief to different respiratory conditions.
Coltsfoot is a powerful herb that can be very beneficial to the lungs. Coltsfoot makes an excellent remedy for whooping cough, common colds, and other types of lung ailments. This herb relieves the symptoms of bronchitis, healing the mucous membranes, and is a potent expectorant. Its anti-inflammatory effects enable fast recovery of infected and irritated lungs and the respiratory system in general.
Healthy Lungs Tea
Mullein helps clear mucus from the body, eases sore throats, and helps bronchitis.
Fenugreek is anti-inflammatory, promotes mucus production and clearing, soothes sore throat and eliminates built-up mucus.
Dandelion root is an anti-inflammatory, fights fungus, cleans the respiratory system and clears mucus, stimulates kidneys and liver.
This is a genera health-promoting tea, along with fresh juice (like pineapple-kale-ginger and juice the pineapple’s core). Pineapple juice is beneficial for coughs/mucus in the body too and the bromelain in the core is anti-cancer.
Drink in the mornings to promote health, or a few times throughout the day if you have a cold.
6 parts mullein leaf
1 part fenugreek seed
1 part dandelion root
Combine all herbs in a glass jar and shake to combine. Use 1 tbsp. (for tea) or a handful (1/2 c. or so, for infusion) and add to 1 – 2 c. boiling water. Let it steep 10 – 20 minutes. Strain it, then sweeten lightly with raw honey or drink it straight.