Wasteful Things We Can Live Without:
Everything Styrofoam! Stamp out styrofoamPlastic wrap — Instead, use a container with a lid.
Tin foil — Use an oven-safe pot or dish with a lid.Disposable cleaning cloths, dusters, etc. — Use a microfiber cloth that can be washed.
Paper towels — Use a tea towel, instead.
Disposable pens — Buy a good pen that only needs the ink well changed.
Paper plates — Washing dishes may be an effort, but it’s worth it.
Plastic cutlery — Use the metal stuff.
Disposable razors -Invest in a razor that only needs the blades changed.
Packaged fruits and vegetables. Produce does not need to be packaged.
Individually wrapped snacks — Snacks travel better anyway in a hard container.
Juice boxes — Put juice in a reusable container (not plastic).
Electric pencil sharpeners — Use the hand-crank version of days gone by.
Disposable diapers — Cloth diapers aren’t that much more difficult to use.
Disposable cloths — Fabric cloths can be washed regularly to avoid bacterial or viral build-up.
Paper or plastic single-use grocery bags — Get a few reusable bags.
Bottled water — Install a water filter on your tap or pick up a water jug with a filter.
Non-rechargeable batteries — Make the investment for rechargeable batteries and you’ll save money in the long run.
Electric can openers — Use a little muscle.
Single-serving pudding or yogurt cups — Buy a large container of yogurt or make your own pudding, and send it in a reusable container.
Plastic cups — Stick to reusable cups.
Disposable table cloths — Spills are a reality of life; just clean them up as they happen.
Antibacterial wipes — If you must, use a gel hand sanitizer.
Facial tissues — Unless you have a bad cold, a handkerchief will work just fine.
Paper billing — Switch to e-billing for your bank statement, credit card bill, utility bill, etc.
Plasticized sticky notes — Use the original paper sticky notes; they can be recycled when you’re done with them