
 Inexpensive Superfoods 

Sweet potatoes – Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes helps every cell in the body stay healthy. It neutralizes wrinkle and sun damage and helps generate new, healthy glowing skin cells.  They are packed with energizing B-vitamins.

Kale – is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  Kale’s filling fiber, bone-building calcium and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids support the body’s natural detox system.

Dried cranberries – The high antioxidant content means they may help reduce cancer and heart disease risk. They have compounds that help prevent urinary tract infections.

Milk – One eight-ounce glass is full of nine essential nutrients, (many of us fall short) including calcium, potassium, and vitamin D.

Pinto beans – Loaded with protein, fiber, energizing B vitamins and antioxidants with one of the highest antioxidant counts of all beans and cost the least.

Eggs – Protein packed and a top source of choline, known to promote brain health. Loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, potent antioxidants shown to enhance eye health.  Most of the vitamin and minerals are in the yolk. No more than seven eggs a week to keep cholesterol in check.

Black tea – Packed with flavanoids (compounds that neutralize free-radicals) that help the every cell in our bodies. Studies show tea sippers have less skin wrinkling as they age. Decaf and herbal varieties don’t offer the same benefits.

Oatmeal – Packed with essential minerals like zinc, magnesium and iron and flavanoids that reduce disease-causing inflammation in the body. A top source of soluble-fiber that helps sweep cholesterol out of the body and keep blood sugar from rising too quickly.

Wild salmon – Four-ounces has a day’s worth of omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation in the body and the risk of heart disease and cancer. It has the daily value for vitamin D and other important minerals. Wild salmon is lowest in contaminants.

Mango – High in immune-boosting vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and the healing power from its phenols, plant compounds with potent antioxidant activity.