High-fructose corn syrup is a ubiquitous ingredient present in processed foods and sugary beverages across the globe. It is a well-known health destroyerwith ties to conditions like metabolic damage and cancer. Now, scientists have revealed that the substance — oftentimes genetically modified — may also be damaging the brain functions of consumers worldwide. The official release goes as far to say that high-fructose corn syrup can make you ‘stupid’. Conducted by the UCLA and published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Physiology, the study is the first to demonstrate how a diet heavily concentrated with high-fructose corn syrup can hamper brain functions — particularly those associated with memory and learning.
       “Our findings illustrate that what you eat affects how you think,” said professor of neurosurgery Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

      The findings should come as no surprise, given that it has previously been revealed that high-fructose corn syrup oftentimes contains the toxic heavy metal mercury. Mercury is highly dangerous and can cause serious complications with biological function — particularly when exposed to the substance on a daily basis through food intake and other sources (CFL light bulbs, amalgam fillings).

      Despite the negative effects of high-fructose corn syrup on the brain, the scientists found that there are natural solutions that can help to minimize and negate the damage. Scientists found that omega 3′s helped to fortify the brain after observing the results of feeding both flaxseed oil and DHA to the study rats. The scientists found that the omega 3′s were helpful in aiding the ability of brain cells to transmit signals to one another. As a result, memory and total mental ability is improved.

      It is continually being found that high-fructose corn syrup is highly toxic to the human body, and is absolutely unfit for consumption. There is simply no reason why the ingredient should exist within the food supply, other than to save companies money.    Natural Society