Detoxifying Your Body – The rate at which your detoxification pathways function depends on your genes, your age, lifestyle and a supply of nutrients involved in the detox process.
Beets have vitamins B3, B6, C and beta-carotene a high amount of fibre and are a valuable source of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, necessary to promote optimal detoxification and elimination. They support gallbladder and liver health, the organs important in breaking down and removing toxins.
Algae have powerful antioxidants that help alkalize the blood and strengthen the digestive tract. Toxins are absorbed from the digestive tract. Sea vegetables have the most minerals of any food, containing all the minerals in the ocean and found in human blood.
Dandelions are rich in minerals and phytonutrients. They support cleansing of the digestive tract and offer great liver support.
Broccoli is a powerhouse and releases phytochemicals. Broccoli sprouts can provide more benefit than regular broccoli. They contain 20 times more sulfurophane.
Ground flaxseeds provide fibre that helps bind and flush toxins from the intestinal tract. They’re a great source of omega 3 oils.
lemon stimulates enzymes and helps convert toxins to a water-soluble form easily excreted from the body. Drinking lemon water in the morning helps balance out the acidity of foods.
Garlic is a powerful antiviral, antiseptic and antibiotic. Ridding your body of these pathogenic microbes can reduce endogenous (made by your body) toxins. The vital sulphuric compounds garlic contains makes it an essential detoxifier.
Artichokes increase bile production and purify/protect the liver. They have a mild diuretic effect on the kidneys, ensuring proper removal of toxins.
Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin is used a lot in Ayurvedic Medicine to treat liver and digestive disorders.
Apples are wonderful and give us fibre, vitamins, minerals and many beneficial phytochemicals used in the detox process. One flavonoid is thought to stimulate bile production, as the liver gets rid of toxins through the bile. Apples are a good source of pectin, which helps detox metals and food additives from the body. It’s best to eat organic apples. The non-organic varieties are among the top 12 foods containing the most pesticide residues.