It used to be common knowledge that baking soda could easily cure a common cold, as well as assist in numerous other ailments. What happened to all that information? Baking soda has been used to cure cancer.

“When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. And importantly, it is a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use.”

Below is an article written from the book ‘Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment – Second Edition’ by Mark Sircus, AC., OMD.  There are a number of well known natural cancer treatments that are working today that mainstream medicine refuses to talk about.

“There are many reasons to use baking soda but one overall reason is that sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that will not harm us, our children or the environment because is it not a chemical compound that effects nature in any kind of negative sense. Baking soda is actually a compound that is found throughout nature, in the ocean, in the soil, in our foods, and in our bodies. Baking soda is a neutralizer of many other compounds, which makes it extremely helpful as a medicine in the age of toxicity, which we are all presently passing through.

Life-threatening asthma in children is often resistant to treatment with bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids. Recent research suggests that administering sodium bicarbonate—an ingredient commonly found in kitchens—in intravenous (IV) form can significantly improve pH and PCO2 in children with life-threatening asthma. Sodium bicarbonate can save the day when nothing else can. The only other substance we can say the same is with magnesium chloride, which when injected will save a person during cardiac arrest and pull one out of a stroke if given soon enough.

There has been work going on at the University of Arizona, using bicarbonate (baking soda) as a potential treatment for cancer. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with sodium bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. This type of treatment has been found to “enhance the anti-tumor activity” of other anticancer drugs. This is very similar to the recently published research of injecting O2 directly into tumors where such direct administration of Oxygen facilitated the action of chemotherapy.

This year these same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH (makes more alkaline) and inhibits spontaneous metastases. They showed that oral sodium bicarbonate increased the pH of tumors and reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. It reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.

When it comes to sodium bicarbonate it is an open and shut case. It is already in wide use and has been for decades, even by oncologists who do not want their patients dropping dead too quickly because of the tremendous toxicity of their treatments. Sodium bicarbonate is used routinely to keep the toxicity of chemotherapy agents and radiation from killing people or from destroying their kidneys. In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in hospitals, medical centers, or emergency. Sodium bicarbonate helps to save countless lives every day.