Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Commonly found in Chinese food, MSG is used as a flavor enhancer in soups, salad dressings, chips and frozen foods. In people sensitive to the compound, MSG can overexcite cells, producing uncomfortable symptoms.  Research shows a correlation between overconsumption of foods containing MSG and medical conditions such as depression, disorientation, eye damage, fatigue, headaches, and obesity.

Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame/Saccharine/Mannitol) are packed with chemicals that can be harmful to your body. Most of these sweeteners contain the Aspartame. Studies have suggested Aspartame is linked to a wide spectrum of health problems like brain tumors, diabetes, lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and emotional disorders like depression and anxiety. It has also been linked to symptoms including dizziness, headaches, nausea, mental confusion, seizures, and affects short-term memory and intelligence.

BHA And BHT may prevent your food from changing color, losing flavor, or becoming rancid, but it has been suggested they can increase chances of getting cancer. However, FDA states that BHA and BHT are safe to consume, and another study published by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) compared them with Vitamin E. Not certain? You’ll find them in everything from gum to cereals — just check the label and opt out.

Trans fat found in many processed foods can be one of the most dangerous substances to consume. It occurs naturally in some animal products, and is synthetically created by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils. Used to extend the shelf life of many food products, the consumption of trans fats, according to the FDA, raises LDL (bad cholesterol). Elevated levels of LDL increase the risk of high blood pressure, potentially resulting in heart attack, stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

Sodium Nitrate (naturally occurring compound) and Sodium nitrite (synthetically created compound) are both commonly used to preserve meat products in place of  salt. Both are nitrosamines, which studies have shown when consumed in large amounts over time damage DNA, potentially resulting in cancers, and the development of pulmonary diseases.

Artificial Food Coloring can have a very negative effect on your health. FDA studies exploring the effect of dyes on children’s behavior were inconclusive, prompting more studies to be undertaken.  Some studies have suggested food dye may cause thyroid cancer, kidney and adrenal tumors, and chromosome deterioration.

Sodium Sulfite is frequently used during wine production and can be found in dried fruit. It can cause dangerous reactions in people sensitive or allergic to it. One study found it induced cell degranulation and oxidant stress. It has been linked to asthma, rashes, headaches, and breathing problems.

Sulfur Dioxide is a toxic additive, commonly found in beer, dried fruits such as apricots, chips and soft drinks. While no definitive study has linked it to negative health effects it is feared in foods because as a gas, inhaling too much can cause conjunctivitis, bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, and potentially cardiovascular disease.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup is found in almost all processed foods. It has become the number one source of calories in America. Beware! High-fructose corn syrup, which provides zero nutritional benefit, is found in the healthy foods we eat as well. Be sure to check the labels of yogurts, cereals, and granola bars for this harmful additive.

Potassium Bromate is used to increase the volume of bread products, this additive has been proven to cause cancer in animals. It is banned as an additive in the EU, Canada and Brazil, but not in the United States. California is the only state that requires labels for products with potassium Bromate.