Poem dispenser in San Francisco shop
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Pictures in the Night
Little stars are shining bright,
Forming pictures in the night.
Twinkling and sparkling through the air-
Little Dipper and Little Bear . . .
How many stars will I see?
There are so many picture stories for me!
At holiday time it’s nice to see . . .
A lovely decorated Christmas tree.
At holiday time it’s nice to hear . . .
Jingle bells on flying reindeer.
At holiday time it’s nice to feel . . .
Santa’s beard to see if it’s real.
At holiday time it’s nice to lick . . .
A peppermint candy stick.
At holiday time it’s fun to smell . . .
Gingerbread cookies with icing gel.
Isn’t it great! Isn’t it fine!
To use our five senses at holiday time.