Music is a moral law.It gives soul to the universe,Wings to the mind,Flight to the imagination,A charm to sadness,Gaity and life to everything!It is the essence of orderAnd lends to all that is good andJust and beautiful.Plato
There is such a positive response from kids when you include music and other vocal opportunities for them in programs. Sometimes it will be yawning and breathing exercises. It is amazing – this air we breathe that feeds us, keeps us alive and creates music. Not to mention our incredible anatomy to use and absorb air. So many science and health lessons can be created around music.
These are lyrics to some of my favorite songs. Adapt them to the age and ability of the kids. My favorite tape is “Put on Your Green Shoes” recorded by songwriters and artists for Earth(SAFE). You find it from Sony Kids Music. “Healthy Planet ,Healthy People” and everything Tom Pease records for kids is great fun. Ex. Boogie, Boogie, Boogie.” (tape) Someone’s Gonna Use It After You” is on Tom Chapin’s “This Pretty Planet”. The Garden Song is from ” A Child’s Celebration of Song”. Also check out Raffi’s CD “Everything Grows”. You may find these at the library.