
Susan Dean’s degree is in biology w/ graduate work in education. Music, dance, and theatre have always been a big part of her life, as a participant and teacher. She specializes in pre-school and elementary education, organic gardening, and the development of outdoor classrooms in schools. Her extensive teaching experience has been in private, public, for profit and non-profit schools.

Some of her past educational experiences include:

Charles Towne Montessori School founded in 1972, Charleston, S.C., Board President 
First Scots Church, Charleston, S.C. Children’s Choral Director
The Summer Academy of the Arts, Charleston, S.C. , Founder/Director
School of the Arts, Highlands, N.C. Music Director/ summer camp director, taught continuing music education classes
The Highlands School, taught elementary and high school music and choral director
The Museum of Science, Spartanburg, S.C., Special Programs Coordinator/science and Jr. Master Gardener teacher
Developed Health/Wellness Programs for pre-school and elementary children with a grant from the Mary Black Foundation.
The Chapman Cultural Center, Spartanburg, S.C.   Taught Nature and Art classes
Junior Master Gardner Teacher/ she helped build and develop 17 organic gardens in schools and community centers.
She presented many public service programs for The Salvation Army Community Center, Girls Home, Children’s Shelter, The McCarthy-Tessler School, Charles Lea Center, Camp Opportunity, Career days, Health Fairs, Boy and Girl Scout Camps, and libraries in Spartanburg County.
She received the Community Action Partnership Award for outstanding volunteer service to promote science activities for head start children and families.
The Josephine Sibley Cooper Award was presented to her by The Spartanburg Museum of Art for a triptych she painted: Single, Plural, and Natural

In 2007, Susan started The Garden School, a non-profit organization to support the development of outdoor classrooms and organic gardening programs in schools.  This is her way to continue to learn and grow and give back. She is retired in Spartanburg, South Carolina and available for consulting.