Silly Slime

You will need:
1 quart of water
1/4 cup borax( in laundry detergent area)
2 large jars with lids
1 cup elmer’s glue
1 cup of water
food coloring and paper cups. Put 1 quart of water and borax in one of the jars w/lid and dissolve.
Put the glue, cup of water, and food coloring in the other jar and mix.

To make slime put 2 tablespoons of borax solution in a cup or snack bag and 1 to 3 tbl. mix.
Add 6 Tbl. of glue solution(use 1 tbl borax and 3 of glue if a snack bag.)
Mix in cup or knead in baggie.
If you want to make more at one time use a 1/3 cup borax solution to 1 cup glue solution.

This substance has the scientific property of an elastic viscous material. The earth is somewhat like this material because it can be moved slowly as in glacial movement or continental drift it is like a liquid and when it moves quickly as in an earthquake.


  • 1/2 cup of Elmer’s Washable Non Toxic Clear Glue or Elmer’s White Glue
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Cup of Hot Water
  • Contact Solution
  • Measuring Cup
  • 2 bowls and a spoon
  • Black Food Coloring
  • Glitter, Glitter, and more Glitter!

Add hot water to a small bowl and stir in 1 tsp of baking soda. Stir until completely dissolved. In a separate bowl pour 1/2 cup clear or white Elmer’s Glue. Add the water/baking soda mixture to the glue and stir well.

Add black food coloring and glitter! Use Elmer’s Clear School Glue or Elmer’s White glue. When you add color to white glue, the color is lighter. Use clear glue for jewel toned colors!

Stir in contact solution, a little at a time until the mixture starts to clump. Add more solution until it is not sticky. Once it starts completely sticking, switch to mixing with your hands a few minutes until you feel the most of the liquid incorporated into the slime.

After using your hands a few minutes the slime won’t be sticky or stringy. Slime can be played but consistency changes a bit over next 30 mins to a smoother looking substance. If consistency isn’t changing, add more contact solution if too sticky and more glue if too gloppy. Store in a clean dry container or zipper bag.

Fluffy Pumpkin Slime Recipe For Kids

  • ½ Cup Elmer’s White Glue
  • Unscented Shaving Cream
  • Orange Food Coloring
  • Mason Jar
  • Black Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Saline Solution
  • Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
  • Pumpkin Scented Oil optional

Results will vary if you substitute ingredients, and slime might not form at all. Of importance is the use of Elmer’s White Glue for quality, stretchy slime!

1.Add 1/2 cup of Elmer’s white school glue and 4 cups of shaving cream to a bowl. Mix well and then add in a few drops of your orange food coloring. Stir to mix in the color. Optional: You can add in a few drops of pumpkin scented oil after you mix in the food coloring.

2. Next stir in 1/4 tsp of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Then add contact solution about 1 Tablespoon at a time and mix.

3. Keep adding a little more contact solution and mixing until your slime begins forming into a ball-like form as you mix. You’ll notice this is when it starts to turn into slime and becomes less sticky. It will begin coming off the sides of your container and sticking together.

If your slime is still sticky add some more saline solution by starting small and adding a little as you go and continue to knead it. The slime will take on a fluffy marshmallowy consistency that is so addicting to play with!

When you’re finished you’ll want to store your slime in an air tight container. Or have the kids create their own jack-o-lantern jars by cutting out the faces from black construction paper and using some Elmer’s glue to glue their faces to the mason jars. This can be a super fun family activity, and perfect for a Halloween Party!